Охотник на монстров Горгронда. Горгронд сурамар
Добро пожаловать в Горгронд - Задание
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Горгронд – одно из самых опасных и диких мест на всем Дреноре.Только самые опытные рангари забредают так далеко.
Мы направляемся к их лагерю. Если хочешь добраться туда раньше нас, иди по этой дороге и сверни направо.
Мы с Мараадом вскоре присоединимся к тебе. Нам еще нужно кое-что продумать перед отправлением.
Боюсь, ты выбрал очень неудачное время для посещения нашего лагеря.
Вы получите: 23 10Дополнительные награды
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Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже.Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа.
Чем выше качество, тем лучше!
Wowhead Client (клиент Wowhead) — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями!
Клиент Wowhead делает две вещи:
Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете!
Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, обновляя базу данных!
Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания!
Чего же вы ждете? Скачайте клиент Wowhead.
Гайд по рарникам и сокровищам Горгронда
В этом гайде собрана информация о редких мобах и объектах Горгронда, а также о достижениях, связанных с ними. Кроме того, здесь содержатся таблицы лута и ссылки на карты с ресурсами гарнизона, которые можно получить с помощью лесопилки и арены.Для поиска рарников советуем воспользоваться аддоном NPCScan.
HandyNotes_DraenorTreasures - аддон, показывающий расположение рарников и сундуков на карте. Найти и скачать можно тут.
1. Рарники
Интересный лут
- Топотун Криго дропает Набор огра-хмелевара, с помощью которого можно изготавливать алкогольные напитки — Восход Небесного Пути и Портер "Деревянная нога". Потом огра можно найти в забегаловке, принадлежащей Топотун Криг.
- Сернеяр дропает Палочка для мыльных пузырей — безделушку, которая стреляет пузырями.
- Башиок, прототипом для которого послужил коммьюнити-менеджер Bashiok с аватаркой в виде дерева, дропает безделушку Дух Башиока. Призывает пляшущего энта в огне.
- Мандракор дропает Убиванчик, который учит призывать пета Убиванчик. Тип — элементаль, можно посадить в клетку.
- Камнедрев Твердая Кора дропает Камень оцепенения, который превращает существо в серый камень на 5 минут.
- Коготь Солнца дропает Коготь Солнца — зеленая версия Гара'кал, кулак душелова из Подземелья Могу’шан.
- Бастен дропает Камуфляж ботани, который позволяет замаскироваться под ботани.
- Охотница Бал'ра дропает Составной лук Бал'ры, уникальный реколор пвп-оружия Длинный лук необузданного бойца.
Солнечношкурый малый гронн
Солнечношкурый малый гронн падает с Пудовый Кулак. Шанс выпадения — 100%, достается всем игрокам, участвовашим в убийстве.
Чтобы увидеть карту, на которой отмечено местоположение всех рарников, нажмите на картинку выше. Чтобы увидеть имена мобов и их координаты, наведите курсор на маркер или нажмите на него, чтобы перейти на страницу НПЦ. Как узнать, кто уже был убит? На странице каждого моба есть удобный макрос. Скопируйте его в чат игры, чтобы узнать необходимую информацию.
Список лута
2. Рарники для достижений
Охотник на монстров Горгронда
Охотник на монстров Горгронда — специальный ачив на убийство рарников в Горгронде. С рарников можно полутать трофеи, отнести их на свой аванпост и поставить на стол.
На дне
На дне — специальный ачив на убийство мобов в Яме, расположенной к западу от Литейной клана Черной горы. Мобы также зачитываются в групповой дейлик Нападение на Яму, за который можно получить апекситовые кристаллы.
Остановить древних
Остановить древних — ачив на убийство мобов в Зарослях Вечного Цветения, расположенных к востоку от Литейной клана Черной горы. Мобы также зачитываются в групповой дейлик Атака на Заросли Вечного Цветения, за который можно получить апекситовые кристаллы.
Мобы для На дне помечены синим, Остановить древних — красным, Охотник на монстров Горгронда — зеленым.
3. Аванпосты гарнизона в Горгронде
Если вы построите лесопилку в гарнизоне, то получите доступ к шреддеру, который позволит собирать Затвердевшая шипастая лоза в обмен на Ресурсы гарнизона.
Если вы построите арену, то получите доступ к НПЦ, который умеет разбивать валуны, дающие Ресурсы гарнизона.
Лес, который можно рубить, помечен зеленым, а валуны — синим.
4. Сундуки с сокровищами
Интересный лут
Чтобы увидеть карту, на которой отмечено местоположение всех объектов, нажмите на картинку ниже.
Как узнать, какие объекты уже были открыты? На странице каждого объекта есть удобный макрос. Скопируйте его в чат игры, чтобы узнать необходимую информацию.
Список лута
Тайны Горгронда - Задание - World of Warcraft
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Командир, Дуротану нужна помощь. Он ведет небольшой отряд в Горгронд, чтобы контратаковать расположенные там крепости Железной Орды.В Горгронде базируется клан Черной горы, отвечающий за индустриальную мощь Железной Орды.
Также там живут одни из наиболее опасных гигантов и монстров на всем Дреноре.
Если хочешь ответить на этот призыв, то отправляйся в Горгронд по восточной стороне хребта Ледяного Огня, через Грозовой перевал.
Горгронд – не место для армий, командир. Мы ступаем в земли древних легенд.
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Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже.Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа.
Чем выше качество, тем лучше!
Wowhead Client (клиент Wowhead) — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями!
Клиент Wowhead делает две вещи:
Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете!
Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, обновляя базу данных!
Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания!
Чего же вы ждете? Скачайте клиент Wowhead.
Охотник на монстров Горгронда - Достижение
Комментарий от Goodwinn
TomTom waypoints:/way Gorgrond 60.6 54.6 Biolante/way Gorgrond 61.8 52.4 Biolante/way Gorgrond 63.0 54.4 Biolante/way Gorgrond 61.6 50.8 Biolante/way Gorgrond 44.6 61.2 Crater Lord Igneous/way Gorgrond 44.0 59.4 Crater Lord Igneous/way Gorgrond 42.0 59.2 Crater Lord Igneous/way Gorgrond 52.0 66.0 Khargax the Devourer/way Gorgrond 45.2 51.8 Charl Doomwing/way Gorgrond 46.0 46.8 Charl Doomwing/way Gorgrond 47.8 46.4 Charl Doomwing/way Gorgrond 61.6 61.6 Roardan the Sky Terror/way Gorgrond 52.8 63.0 Roardan the Sky Terror/way Gorgrond 50.8 67.6 Roardan the Sky Terror/way Gorgrond 54.8 71.0 Roardan the Sky Terror/way Gorgrond 38.8 51.2 Dessicus of the Dead Pools/way Gorgrond 51.8 41.6 Erosian the Violent/way Gorgrond 58.0 63.6 Fungal Praetorian
_NPCScan add commands:/npcscan add 75207 Biolante/npcscan add 81528 Crater Lord Igneous/npcscan add 81537 Khargax the Devourer/npcscan add 81548 Charl Doomwing/npcscan add 77093 Roardan the Sky Terror/npcscan add 81529 Dessicus of the Dead Pools/npcscan add 81540 Erosian the Violent/npcscan add 80785 Fungal Praetorian
You can add them all at once with the Paste addon.
Комментарий от Trionek
If there are no players nearby to help, use your shredder (if you chose lumber outpost) to kill the monsters - with the shredder its extremely easy!
Комментарий от donquixote235
Can be done easily at max level (mobs are in the 93-94 range). Each kill drops a quest turn-in that, at max level, yields 37g 80s, for a total of just over 300g for about 30 minutes of work doing the kills.
Комментарий от GryzorTheSexy
Don't forget to bring Shock Traps.Комментарий от shchmue
Here's a a script to find out if your Horde character has turned in the Trophy of Glory quests for these monsters:/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36503)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Biolante ")/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35815)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Charl Doomwing ")/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35811)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Crater Lord Igneous ")/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35810)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Dessicus ")/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35807)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Erosian ")/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35814)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Fungal Praetorian ")/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35819)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Khargax the Devourer ")/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35818)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Roardan the Sky Terror ")
Комментарий от DarthArcade
I saw a horde version of checking to see if you completed them, here's an alliance version:/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36502)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Biolante ")
/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35816)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Charl Doomwing ")
/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35812)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Crater Lord Igneous ")
/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35809)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Dessicus ")
/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35808)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Erosian ")
/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35813)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Fungal Praetorian ")
/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35820)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Khargax the Devourer ")
/run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35817)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Roardan the Sky Terror ")
Комментарий от InsaneMind
Here is a comprehensive list of everything you could possibly need for this achievement, including faction specific quest completion checks: Note: Paths in a small circle near the coordinates above Alliance: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36502)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Biolante ") Horde: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36503)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Biolante ") Alliance: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35812)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Crater Lord Igneous ") Horde: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35811)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Crater Lord Igneous ") Note: Paths in the general area of the local bonus quest Alliance: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35820)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Khargax the Devourer ") Horde: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35819)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Khargax the Devourer ") Note: Flys in a small circle near coordinates Alliance: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35816)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Charl Doomwing ") Horde: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35815)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Charl Doomwing ") Note: Flys in a large circle, best to stay at the marked coordinates Alliance: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35817)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Roardan the Sky Terror ") Horde: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35818)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Roardan the Sky Terror ") Alliance: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35809)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Dessicus ") Horde: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35810)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Dessicus ") Alliance: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35808)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Erosian ") Horde: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35807)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Erosian ") Alliance: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35813)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Fungal Praetorian ") Horde: /run local c = IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35814)print("You have"..(c and "" or " not").." killed Fungal Praetorian ")
Комментарий от BlackMilk
Okay so this achievement seemed a little bugged for me.Just did this today at level 100, flying around (enhancement shaman, don't think it matters but there you go) Gorgrond and killing them as I found them.I killed all of them with Dessicus being my last target. I was tracking the achievement and the achievement window was open, with the objective turning green as it died. That was the last of eight objectives to be completed but the achievement was not awarded to me.
I logged out and back in, and saw that the objective for Biolante suddenly turned up as incomplete. Went back and killed the poor thing a second time and that got me the achievement.
Hope this helps someone.
Комментарий от Chatthenator
(Very) easy to solo as a level 92-93 hunter (without heirlooms/enchants/pots). Some tips for hunters (so this isn't just an useless brag-post): Make sure you have the Glyph of Mend Pet, which makes Mend Pet a LOT better. Without this glyph, it's probably not doable. Use any pet (from any spec, I myself took a ferocious-tiger but a tanking pet might be even better) and put growl on auto-cast, or atleast use it whenever it is on cooldown; because most of the bosses will probably 5 hit you. Use Mend Pet every few seconds and your pet won't die.Just a note for the boss Dessicus: Your pet will probably die here because your pet AND YOU will get a +-15 second stun after a while. Just revive your pet as soon as you are un-stunned and you're good to go.Happy hunting! Soloing this at levels 92-94 is tons of fun if you manage to do so.
Комментарий от albinoette
There are two separate things going on with these elites:- This achievement (Охотник на монстров Горгронда). Kill eight level 93 elites throughout Горгронд. Respawns seem to be under 5 minutes for most.- You can turn on quest tracking in the Achievement window ( /run AddTrackedAchievement(9400) should turn it on, too). Anything that shows up still needs to be killed for the achievement.
- Each elite also drops a quest item that can be turned in for xp and gold.- If you want to see which quest items you have/not turned in, users have posted scripts you can run to check progress for Horde (here - credit: shchmue) and Alliance (here - credit: DarthArcade).
Some users have reported not getting credit and/or quest items until the character has set up his/her outpost for this zone. If you are experiencing difficulty with credit/drops, make sure you've set up a Lumber Mill or Sparring Arena in Beastwatch (Horde) or Highpass (Alliance).
Биожор roams around the small lake Iyun Weald. Slowly walks the northern perimeter of the lake back and forth from 62.52, 55.12 (right side of lake) to 60.61, 54.41 (left). Map.
Владыка кратера Игний patrols left to right in the Sulfur Basin - 42.87, 59.32 (left) to 43.91, 59.77 (right). Map.
Каргакс Пожиратель circuits the Mistcreep Mire. As a bit of a oval, it goes from left 50.94, 66.59 (approx) to right 53.21, 65.92 (approx). Map.
Чарл Смертекрылый flies between three platforms in Drywing Gorge (47.84, 46.35 | 46.05, 46.64 | 45.21, 51.87), pausing on each stack of rocks for under a minute before proceeding onward. Map.- If you don't have flying, use a ranged attack while it's flying in between platforms, example: the peninsula at 46.50, 51.58.
Ревудан Небесный Ужас flies between a mushroom top in the Crimson Fen (61.70, 61.76), a rocky hill (52.97, 63.13), and a stack of rocks in the Mistcreep Mire (50.79, 67.62), pausing on each for under a minute before proceeding onward. Map.- If you don't have flying, the rocky hill is the easiest spot to wait and fight.
Иссушитель из Смертельных Ключей can be found in the Brimstone Springs at 38.88, 51.10. Map.
Эрозиан Жестокий is hanging out up a hill in the Steamburst Cauldron at 51.57, 41.67. Map.- If you don't have flying, there is a path to the south around 51.72,42.48.
Грибной преторианец stands around smelling its armpits in the Crimson Fen (57.97, 63.67). Map.
For those with TomTom, Goodwinn typed up a list of coordinates here. Don't forget that most of these elites patrol the area around their coords, so use them as a rough guide and not gospel.
Тайны Горгронда - Задание - World of Warcraft
Краткая информация |
Командир! Ирель и Мараад придумали тактический ход.Они советуют отправить небольшой отряд на север, в дикие земли Горгронда.
В сообщениях от их рангари предполагается, что в тех землях можно найти изначальные знания, которые помогут найти слабые места Железной Орды.
Если согласишься туда отправиться, знай – я уже приготовил для тебя грифона.
Добро пожаловать в Горгронд, командир. Мы тоже только что прибыли.
Вы получите: 23 10Дополнительные награды
После выполнения этого задания вы получите:Серии
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Внести вклад
Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже.Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа.
Чем выше качество, тем лучше!
Wowhead Client (клиент Wowhead) — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями!
Клиент Wowhead делает две вещи:
Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете!
Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, обновляя базу данных!
Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания!
Чего же вы ждете? Скачайте клиент Wowhead.
Сурамар - Игровая зона - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Nynaeve
A zone coming in the expansion Legion, Suramar is an ancient home of the Kaldorei.Exploration: СурамарQuests: Помрачены, но не забыты
Suramar has a long, rich Night Elf history. Historically, you could have found the Temple of Elune/Suramar's "Temple of the Moon" (a temple... for the followers of Elune), the Boughs of Azshara (sacred trees), Izal-Shurah (a great library), Arauk Nashal, "great arcane academies", and many more elven sites.
The current day zone Suramar is home to a raid Цитадель Ночи (the Palace, located within what remains of the city), dungeons Катакомбы Сурамара (located underneath the city) and Квартал Звезд (the Noble District), and a Scenario, Сурамар (set to be the scenario for obtaining the Demon Hunter Havoc (dps) spec's Artifact weapons, ).
The Pillars of Creation have historically been tied to this zone, having previously been used to heal the land.At that place of healing is where you would have afterwards found the Temple of Elune (where Tyrande once studied to become a priest of Elune), a more desolate area now called the Tomb of Sargeras (where Aegwynn entombed the remains of the Avatar of Sargeras).
Where now lies the Tomb of Sargeras, Tyrande once studied to become a priest of Elune, in the Temple of Elune, which the elves built upon the place in the earth they had healed using the Pillars of Creation.
Suramar Palace itself is the Palace of the Nightborne, home to the Nightwell, a source of power for the Nightborne. These Nightborne were once the Highborne, as Suramar was originally a Kaldorei city. Long ago, to protect themselves from the Great Sundering, Grand Magistrix Elisunde, and the Highborne who remained in Suramar City's Palace, created a magical shield, protecting the Palace, but according to lore, most of Suramar disappeared into the depths, as with Azshara. Many years later, The Broken Shore ( a small portion of the Broken Isles, near current day Suramar City, was raised from the ocean by MU Gul'dan. It is currently unclear how much of Suramar, and the the Broken Isles in general, was submerged, and if much was submerged, as lore has previously told us, how the rest of it (every submerged part but the Broken Isles) was raised from the ocean's depths. Hopefully this will be clarified by Blizzard soon, or during all the zones' questing.
The Highborne within the city were afraid of what wasteland might lay outside, so the shield remained active, and, consquently, these Highborne gradually became dependent upon the Nightwell and evolved into the Nightborne.
These elves have since lowered their shield, and allied with the Burning Shadow (also know as the Burning Legion).
There is a US Server named after this zone, and you can find its wow Forum here.
Комментарий от Reignac
Suramar is the city Malfurion, Tyrande, and Illidan grew up in.Комментарий от Enigmaddict
Slight correction/addition from the beautifully written piece by Nynaeve Sedai. The nightborne are not known to be addicted to the nightwell, rather they have become dependent on it as one is dependent on food.This came about because some time into their seclusion, these night elves of the city exhausted their food supply and started to starve, so they ingeniously adapted the nightwell waters to be ingested and thus were sustained directly by it. They require the actual substance called arcwine which comes from the nightwell. It is the absence of this that will cause them to starve and eventually turn into Withered where others would just die.
So you see, it is no more addiction than requiring food is considered addiction, though like food it is possible some may become addicted to it, however the impression I get is that they are a very disciplined and accomplished society and like all Elven groups that survived as Elves after the sundering, learnt from the mistakes of reckless use of magic carried out by Azshara and her lackeys (exception were the blood elves for the brief period in the TFT to TBC period, but they got redeemed), reckless use is different from arcane addiction experienced by the High elves in the period the sunwell was dispersed.
It is to be noted that it is quite possible nightborne can use the nightwell from anywhere like Elves used the Well of Eternity or the High/Blood Elves used Sunwell. It is also to be expected that nightborne are suffused by the energies of the nightwell pretty much like their night elven kin are with the Well of Eternity (notice they have moonwells all over - difference is they avoided using the magic) and the High/blood Elves the Sunwell. Suffusion is not enough for the nightborne though, they must physically ingest arcwine or risk that horrible fate.
Note: It is quite possible the nightborne only discovered this effect of the Nightwell on them recently once the shield came down, the resistance led by Thalyssra has tried but so far unsuccessful at reversing the state of Withered or healing the corruption. I will hazard a guess that it may take the Priesthood of Elune and druids from the main night elf group to cleanse the corruption similar to how the naaru and shattari helped the Sunwell. Afterall, the night elf group have been cleansing moonwells and arcane fonts for 10k years by calling on Elune and the harmony of nature in the land (i.e. Azeroth's Soul).
Another piece of trivia:
- Ravencrest, Jarod Shadowsong and Maiev also come from Suramar region. In fact... the majority of the sundering survivors that made up the night elf group are actually from Suramar, as they marched from the City and surrounding country to fight the demons. It was here the main resistance to Azshara was born and ultimately succeeded.
- Also it will make for one hell of reunion after this debacle ends. Can you imagine Shandris might
- actually find family members, or any of the great night elven heroes would have relatives amongst the nightborne who have also been the same generation alive since the sundering. Thalyssra could be Maiev's cousin or sister she never knew she had. Or Oculeth or Valtrois related to the Whisperwinds. What if Elisandre and Tyrande were related? We know priests give up all former associations, and the highborne call Tyrande "Lady Tyrande" was she part of a highborne family before accepting the call of the priesthood? Alternatively as often happened in night elf society, Azshara would raise those she found with extraordinary talent, Elisandre could have been raised, while the rest of her family, though her family were not.
What is for sure, blizzard could do some really interesting stuff for this group, by making them from Suramar, and having some of the nightborne gone all legion and some fighting the legion in a resistance, makes for an interesting tale.
Комментарий от VoZZaBBe
Suramar soundtrackhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbHc-ZaLhgY
Комментарий от kynthea
Ooh, it looks really neat! Thank you very much for the screenshots, Perculia!I can see elements from the different types of architecture already in game and I like the way this looks.Комментарий от Yewfire
Tomtom Macro code for the 5 Items that you can pick up in Suramar which will increase your Древняя мана cap:/way Suramar 21.0 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask (Near Falanaar)/way Suramar 45.0 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn (Tel`Anor)/way Suramar 34.5 11.1 Infinite (Stone Moon Guard Stronghold)/way Suramar 21.2 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal (Falanaar)/way Suramar 76.8 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes (Felsoul Hold)/cwayProtip: I use Macro Toolkit to avoid having to split macros into smaller parts. There are other addons that also allow this.
Комментарий от HeroOfToast
Hey, a bit new here. So I've been in the process of cataloging the NPCs in Suramar City you can interact with. I believe I have a good amount of them and their locations taken down, but as of this writing some of the items or buffs aren't in wowhead's database. I'll add more as I come across it.Some NPCs here have other IDs but they're generally the ones that are really common / non-essential for this table such as Nightborne Wretches.
Комментарий от joubert1
The Gummy Bears should be around here somewhere!
Комментарий от Marfol
I hope the guy who developed this zone and the whole questing process is rotting in hell!
Комментарий от Kozzie
I may quit this game because of the stupidity it offers in what is more important. Learning the story of the city that Tyrande/Illidan and Malfurion grew up in or dodging sentries who remove a disguise. I can easily see why Chris M retired if this is going to be a common strategy. Irritate players who would like more story then some stupid mechanic that removes a disguise. Currently 9/11 chapters done and I am absolutely sick of this stupid area.Комментарий от MadruckOIFGamer
I have made a quick and comprehensive video documenting the location of every Rare mob in Suramar, the coordinates and how to apply it to Handynotes addon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHZhjglb-H0 I hope it helps and take care :-)
Комментарий от shortlived1
Easily the WORST area ever in this game. None of the insipid nonsense they have you do is worth the effort. I would rather quest through Vash'jir at normal swim speeds than ever do this again.
Комментарий от alinaysa
one thing I'd like to say to my fellow mages navigating this fine city: baaaaa! casting sheep does not put you in combat, therefore it does not remove your mask. a sheeped observer seems to be too busy grazing and has no time to.. observe. ^.^
Комментарий от shortlived1
Easily the WORST area ever in this game. None of the insipid nonsense they have you do is worth the effort. I would rather quest through Vash'jir at normal swim speeds than ever do this again.Комментарий от Eido
Each zone appears to have its own random-spawning treasure chests.These chests are not to be confused with the similar looking but static, zone treasures (Treasure Chests, Small Treasure Chests, Protected Treasure Chests, etc...) which can be obtained only once per character.
Комментарий от shortlived1
Easily the WORST area ever in this game. None of the insipid nonsense they have you do is worth the effort. I would rather quest through Vash'jir at normal swim speeds than ever do this again. That city is a joke and questing in it is even worse.Комментарий от Aisenfaire
I found this addon enormously useful when questing in Suramar city: https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/i-see-you-too.The default little blue eye over seeing-eye mobs isn't so noticeable if it's beyond a certain distance. The addon adds a huge red light over their heads so you can beware and plan accordingly!
Addon not mine, all credits to the author. Sharing in case anyone else has also been looking for something like it!
Комментарий от shortlived2
Easily the WORST area ever in this game. None of the insipid nonsense they have you do is worth the effort. I would rather quest through Vash'jir at normal swim speeds than ever do this again. That city is a joke and questing in it is even worseКомментарий от Snikmord
- "Something's not quite right." / "An illusion! What are you hiding?"
- Corpse run
- Repeat
- Ragequit
- Repair
Комментарий от Asunen
Just take your armor off when in this city unless you're on a quest to kill someone, you will die repeatedly in this place even with the mask. Most quest objectives have a half dozen or so "observant" enemies that will break your disguise, not to mention the place is crammed absolutely full with enemies.
Комментарий от SuckmyAlt
This is is a &*!@ing joke.
Комментарий от GropeGripe
Worst zone in this freaking game.
Комментарий от GropeGripe
Worst zone in this freaking game.
Комментарий от sweetJohnny
You can tell an area is badly designed when you'd rather teleport to your Order Hall, then teleport from there to Dalaran, then take a Wind Rider from Dalaran to Meredil, then run into Sha'Aran to teleport back to the relevant area of Suramar City to hand your quest in, rather than try to negotiate your way through said city. Shocking. Blizzard could at least have incorporated a decent map of the place.Комментарий от muticere
Mind if I gush over Suramar for a minute? I've been playing open world games and RPGs for a while and one very illusive thing is a fantasy game with a city that feels truly big like a city should be. Sure, you've got your GTAs and similar games, but usually when an RPG does a city, they give you some select plot-relevant streets and nice vistas, but otherwise, it's a small walled garden. Otherwise you have full access to the city, but its VERY scaled down from what a city should be.Suramar on the other hand is huge. I'm just shocked by how big this place is. I want another Cataclysm so they can go back in and make Org like this. Stormwind is almost this good, but doesn't quite hit this level. And you spend a very long time in this city, the two questing achievements being quite long. Even so, the city helped keep it interesting.
Overall this is one of the more impressive things to me in this expansion. My only wish is that after the victory they phased out all the hostile characters and let you wander around undisturbed. Oh well. Still a great area and one of the only video game locations ever that feels like a city.
Rares and Treasures in Gorgrond - Guides
Комментарий от Teryx
Edit: Check out the Handynote addon and its Draenor plugin - it does the job much better than using the lists below + TomTom.Ресурсы гарнизона treasures listed first.
/way Gorgrond 40.4 76.6 Explorer Canister/way Gorgrond 71.9 66.6 Sunken Treasure/way Gorgrond 49.3 43.5 Weapons Cache/way Gorgrond 43.7 42.5 Iron Supply Chest/way Gorgrond 42.6 46.8 Horned Skull/way Gorgrond 44.2 74.2 Laughing Skull Cache
/way Gorgrond 41.7 40.6 Caravan Shipment /way Gorgrond 48.9 47.3 Warm Goren Egg/way Gorgrond 45.7 49.7 Suntouched Spear/way Gorgrond 41.7 52.9 Brokor's Sack/way Gorgrond 57.8 56.0 Remains of Balldir Deeprock/way Gorgrond 59.4 63.7 Vindicator's Hammer/way Gorgrond 52.5 66.9 Odd Skull/way Gorgrond 39.0 68.1 Sasha's Secret Stash/way Gorgrond 53.1 74.5 Remains of Balik Orecrusher/way Gorgrond 53.0 80.0 Strange Looking Dagger/way Gorgrond 42.4 83.5 Discarded Pack/way Gorgrond 43.1 92.9 Ockbar's Pack/way Gorgrond 48.1 93.4 Stashed Emergency Rucksack/way Gorgrond 46.2 42.9 Petrified Rylak Egg/way Gorgrond 45.0 42.6 Sniper's Crossbow/way Gorgrond 41.8 78.1 Evermorn Supply Cache/way Gorgrond 46.1 50.0 Harvestable Precious Crystal/way Gorgrond 40.0 72.3 Femur of Improbability/way Gorgrond 43.6 69.8 Pile of Rubble
Leveling rares. Rares needed for Охотник на монстров Горгронда listed last.
/way Gorgrond 53.4 78.2 Mother Araneae/way Gorgrond 38.2 66.2 Stomper Kreego/way Gorgrond 41.2 61.2 Sulfurious/way Gorgrond 46.2 50.8 Glut/way Gorgrond 34.0 38.6 Gelgor of the Blue Flame/way Gorgrond 40.0 79.0 Bashiok /way Gorgrond 53.2 44.4 Char the Burning/way Gorgrond 52.2 70.2 Hive Queen Skrikka/way Gorgrond 50.6 53.2 Mandrakor/way Gorgrond 46.8 43.2 Greldrok the Cunning/way Gorgrond 57.6 68.2 Fossilwood the Petrified/way Gorgrond 44.6 92.2 Sunclaw/way Gorgrond 55.2 71.2 Stompalupagus
/way Gorgrond 61.2 53.0 Biolante/way Gorgrond 52.8 59.6 Crater Lord Igneous /way Gorgrond 46.0 46.8 Charl Doomwing/way Gorgrond 52.4 65.8 Khargax the Devourer/way Gorgrond 51.2 63.6 Roardan the Sky Terror/way Gorgrond 38 40 approx Dessicus of the Dead Pools/way Gorgrond 51.8 41.6 Erosian the Violent/way Gorgrond 58.0 63.6 Fungal the Praetorian
Level 100 rares, not complete. 620 gear droppers listed first.
/way Gorgrond 55.0 46.6 Hunter Bal'ra (bow)/way Gorgrond 59.6 43.0 Grove Warden Yal (spirit cloak)/way Gorgrond 70.8 34.0 Swift Onyx Flayer (mail boots)/way Gorgrond 52.8 53.6 Gnarljaw (int fist weapon)
/way Gorgrond 49.0 33.8 Maniacal Madgard/way Gorgrond 50.0 23.8 Durp the Hated/way Gorgrond 46.0 33.6 Blademaster Ro'gor/way Gorgrond 47.6 30.6 Inventor Blammo/way Gorgrond 48.2 21.0 Defector Dazgo/way Gorgrond 69.2 44.6 Basten/way Gorgrond 58.6 41.2 Alkali/way Gorgrond 72.8 35.8 Firestarter Grash/way Gorgrond 69.4 44.6 Nultra/way Gorgrond 69.4 44.4 Valstil
It may look like all level 100 elites can drop Апекситовый кристалл and all treasure
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