Insane 3: Купить Insane Robots — Robot Pack 3

совместный проект Guillermo del Toro и THQ

Проект, который получил название Insane, создается силами студии Volition. Мрачный тизер игры, в котором Insane называют «новым террором от Гильермо дель Торо», вы найдете чуть ниже.

Наконец, стало известно, над каким проектом трудится совместно с THQ голливудский сценарист, режиссер и продюсер Гильермо дель Торо (Guillermo del Toro).

Если говорить совсем откровенно, то известно стало совсем немного. Проект, который получил название Insane, создается силами студии Volition. Мрачный тизер игры, в котором Insane называют «новым террором от Гильермо дель Торо», вы найдете чуть ниже.

И последнее — Insane не стоит ждать раньше 2013 года. И зачем делать анонс так рано?

2010-12-12 09:08:00



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A Guide for The Insane — Руководства

От Seglarnsbror

Последний раз обновлено:
09. 12.2020

История изменений
Обновление: 9.0.2

В избранном:
Рейтинг: 4.7/5
( 166

First of all. Чокнутый Is not actually as hard, nor as time consuming as it used to be, and can be completed quite fast if you’re dedicated enough!

By request i should inform you that if you have got help from your guild, friends or maybe some pugs it will help a great deal, and by that i mean several days of in game time.
The routes in this guide are the ways that is fastest if you’re in a group of at least 3! (counting out the Darkmoon faire & the Junkbox part.)
A tip is to use a Боевой штандарт координации and ВУХУУУ! or Цилиндр Новолуния (the WHEE! buff and the top hat can only be obtained and used during the week the Darkmoon festival is up!)
And for those who play on a Human character will also be at a slight advantage because of their Дипломатия racial passive.
But for this guide i used the raw numbers required.

Honored with Пираты Кровавого Паруса
Exalted with Кабестан
Exalted with Пиратская Бухта
Exalted with Прибамбасск
Exalted with Круговзор
Exalted with Ярмарка Новолуния
Exalted with Черный Ворон

Черный Ворон

This faction will require you to first kill Syndicate Rogues by Stromgarde Keep in Arathi Highlands until 11999/12000 Honored with them, then you will have to pickpocket for the item Тяжелый ларец or buy them from another player
Those can not be bought at the auction house, but they’re tradeable!
In other words, you will need a Rogue to do the junkbox part by yourself.

A total of 4200 kills is needed.
A total of 1405 boxes is needed.

Here is the place where you should kill the mobs that gives you reputation with Ravenholdt, keep in mind that there’s several stealthed mobs in all around the keep, so keep your eyes open and you will eventually learn their spawn locations.
Подкопченный стейк из ворга helps you track those down.
After you reach 11999/12000 Honored, if you chose the «do it yourself» route, i wouldn’t recommend Lower Blackrock Spire, but actually Greengill Coast by the Isle of Quel’Danas, i got about 120-180 junkboxes/hour up here!

Here you will pickpocket Зеленожабрый-раб

What i did here was to chose 3 different spawn locations, pick their pockets and then kill them off. (They do have about a minute respawn timer. But their pockets takes way longer to respawn, which is why they should be killed!)
Another great thing about those is that they do mostly drop stackable items which can be discarded/sold with ease.
For you that doesn’t have the portable mailbox can also use the mailbox located here.

When you have the junkboxes required it’s time to turn them in at this npc Уинстон Вульф that’s located at the Ravenholdt manor in Hillsbrad Foothills, located here.

For Horde players the closest mailbox is by Tarren mill, located here.

For Alliance players the closest mailbox is by Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands, located here.

Ярмарка Новолуния

There’s no exact number of quests needed to complete those, it all depends on your proffessions, your pets etc.

This Faction is the only faction required that will take months.
There isn’t much else to say about this faction, search on your ah for the items required for Расхититель Новолуния and simply do all the dailys you can do in there.

You can teleport there for 50silver from either Гадалка ярмарки Новолуния (Horde) Гадалка ярмарки Новолуния (Alliance), from the mage by the fountain in dalaran, from the mage north of the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City or just flying to the portals yourself.

There’s also some items that you can farm/buy on the auction house, Darkmoon cards for an example.
I wouldn’t really recommend using this method to gain reputation since it’s usually quite expensive and doesn’t really save you that much time.

Пираты Кровавого Паруса

Remember, you will NEED to start with those before the Steamwheedle to get the feat, don’t do like i did and be forced to start all over with them.
Appearantly this has changed, again.. and you’re now able to get the feat if you have had your reputation at the needed point once.

There’s no exact number of mobs to kill here since most of them gives different reputation, but about 2500 kills should get you up to honored
and about 4400 kills if you are aiming for exalted.

Found in The Cape of Stranglethorn.
Killing these will make you lose reputation with the four goblin factions. However it’s the only way to get the rep with bloodsail, but you will be able to grind back the rep with them kinda fast anyways.
What i recommend here is to just grind Костолом из Пиратской Бухты, Гвардеец Пиратской Бухты and the lower level random npc’s that spawn here (when the lower level npc’s are killed they will spawn even more elites that will attack you. )
If you feel like it, you can actually grind those up to exalted.
This will not however grant you any fine rewards but it will count towards the reputation achievements such as Превознесение среди 60 фракций!

While you’re still at it, pick this quest up Стоять, Адмирал! and get the Якорь мне в глотку! Feat of Strength at the same time!

Steamwheedle Cartel (The four goblin factions Кабестан, Прибамбасск, Круговзор and Пиратская Бухта).

A total of 26330 kills is needed.

I found it fastest to grind those in Tanaris just behind Caverns of Time, by the beach & on/in the ships
The great thing about this place is that they do not give any negative rep with Bloodsail Buccaneers (since honored with is needed for the feat)
If you’re in a group here, you can actually station yourselves all over the place and you will still earn reputation & force respawns.
This is kinda time consuming, but if you manage to get some people with you, you can complete this in just a couple of hours.
Kill Юнга из братства Южных Морей, Сорвиголова из братства Южных Морей, Десятник братства Южных Морей & Пират из братства Южных Морей until you hit exalted with Booty Bay, Everlook, Ratchet and 20999/21000 with Gadgetzan.

After that just head over to Fray island, located southeast of Ratchet in Northern Barrens and get the last rep you need with Gadgetzan.

If you followed this guide step by step, Congratulations to the Insanity you so much deserve!

Edit: Updated with tabs and number of kills/boxes.

With love //Puckasino (Seglarnsbror) Pckz

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Бейсбольная бита DeMarini CF Insane -3 2 5/8 дюйма BBCOR WTDXCIC

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Бейсбольная бита DeMarini CF Insane BBCOR: WTDXCIC
Диаметр ствола 2 5/8
Бейсбольные биты ББКОР
Конструкция летучих мышей Два куска
Тип летучей мыши Бейсбол
Цвет Апельсин
Предложения Распродажа Летучие мыши
Связать и сохранить
Стиль удара Силовой нападающий
Отношение длины к весу — 3
Материал Композитный
Серия CF безумный
Поворотный груз Конечная загрузка
Поставщик ДеМарини